The Avethellan Empire

The Avethellan Empire ruled much of the galaxy for a period of about 58,000 years c. 5.2 million BCE. For the last 30,000 years the Empire was ruled by the legendary Queen Aemallana [some scholars conjecture that Aemallana was not one person, but was a throne name used by a succession of individuals].

Avethell's matriarchal culture was rich, although somewhat spare. Poetry and music were much valued. Avethellans tended to be long-lived, in excess of several centuries at least [whether this was their natural lifespan, or their lives were extended by technology, is unknown.]

There is evidence that psi played some part in Avethellan culture. Telepaths were much more common than in Human populations.

The windmill, which Avethellan settlers constructed everywhere they went, became the symbol of Avethell. The Golden Throne, cast on Avethell at the beginning of the Empire, was another important symbol.

In the 600th century of the Empire, Queen Aemallana summoned the hero Kylvin delv Minatan, who traveled to Messilinia in the Galactic Core and all-but-defeated the Gergathan, bringing an end to Diebethar. Messilinia becomes second Capital. The Seat of Aemallana was established there as a second Throne.

In the 700th century, Aemallana was lost. Her successor, Mooridann, took the Seat of Aemallana, reduced the defense fleet and made other unwise decisions. Ten years later, the resurrected Gergathan proclaimed Malreppidar. The Avethellan Empire fell soon after. In the chaos of the Fall, Dareenten, an Iaranori known as "The Last Galactic Rider," rescued the heir and the Golden Throne, taking both to Nephestal for safekeeping.

The period of Avethellan rule, especially after the conquest of Diebethar, is considered a Golden Age by succeeding cultures. To this day, Aemallana is worshipped as a goddess among the Avethellans, and her name is revered throughout the Scattered Worlds.

copyright (c) 2009, Don Sakers

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Situated a few parsecs outside the actual boundary of the Galactic Core, somewhat to Galactic South, Maerdik is one of the few Gathered Worlds which has any commerce with the Scattered Worlds.

Maerdik is the playground of Delger. Delger's creations abound there: Talebba constructs that supervise the channeling of the populace. For Maerdik is primarily a port of entry and departure, a controlled gateway through the Curtain of the Hlutr.

As recently as 100,000 BCE, Maerdik was a much busier world of two-way interaction, when the Core's power had been broken. When the Gergathan was still fighting to regain power in the vicinity of Messilinia, the Galactic Riders were paying regular visits to Maerdik, and there was a vital, thriving culture composed of a melange of all the peoples that had been left there two million years earlier in the fall of Malreppidar.

Gradually, over a thousand years or more, Kaylpeskrit expanded, and finally Maerdik felt first the rumor, then the breath, and finally the full smashing power of the Gergathan. And with Maerdik's fall, the Curtain of the Hlutr was re-established to warn Scattered Worlds vessels away from Kaylpeskrit.

Still there is an underground on Maerdik. The Galactic Riders may have given up on the world, but the Council of Free Peoples never did. Now Maerdik is a vulgar ruin compared to its former self, a planet dominated by Delger's agents and by the transient population of soldiers and servants who pass through its cities -- but even yet there is some small hope, and both the name of Aemallana and the knowledge of the Scattered Worlds are kept holy in the ruins by beings of peace.

copyright (c) 2009, Don Sakers
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Delger is the Gergathan's majordomo and right hand. A Talebba lifeform, Delger directly participates in the thoughts of the Gergathan. Delger, however, retains considerable independence and autonomy, and acts as a mobile lieutenant for the Gergathan.

Delger's physical body has gone through thousands of generations of replacement; each Delger customarily bears a surname which is actually its Coruman serial number. For example, the Delger active during much of the Second Terran Empire was Delger Maisimnunter, or Delger 234612.

While individual Delgers have been persuaded to join the side of the Scattered Worlds, the Gergathan maintains a prototype Delger within its own substance, and can regenerate a new, improved model whenever necessary. Each new Delger learns from the mistakes of its ancestors.

copyright (c) 2009, Don Sakers

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