Auxiliary to each Wing Base are 10 carriers and 25 troop carriers, 25 Task Force Bases, and all ancillary ships. Also, in each Wing there are the following independent ships: 100 scouts, 50 gunboats, 25 cruisers, 10 destroyers, and 10 troop carriers.
The Imperial Navy, then, consists of over 9800 ships: 8 Supercruisers, 17 Wing Bases, 425 Task Force Bases, 170 carriers, 442 Troop carriers, 782 destroyers, 1921 cruisers, 2210 gunboats, and 3825 scouts) with flight crews of 95,865 all together. Support crew, ancillary employees, etc. give the Navy somewhat in excess of 3 million members.
Of these, about 3,000 must be telepaths of reliable sensitivity. In an Empire in which one out of every billion people, on average, is a telepathic sensitive, it is a constant struggle to find enough telepaths -- and until about TE 300, it was not possible.
Imperial Navy Uniforms are jet black, Marine Uniforms are dark blue. Navy rank insigniae are pictured below.
The Imperial Navy training grounds are at Zvezdy Gorodok on Terra. Prior to TE 92, the main Imperial Navy base (including primary shipyards) was on Luna's Farside; after TE 92, the base and shipyards were moved to Hafen.
The Navy's Special Services branch consists of unattached operatives who serve a variety of purposes under the direction of the Master of Special Services, an officer of Admiral rank reporting to the Terran Fleet Admiral.
The usual Imperial Navy ship with a crew of ten or more carries a number of crewmembers listed as "Entertainment & Personnel Services" (aka "EPS"). These enlisted personnel of both genders, usually Spacers or Privates, are well-trained to provide everything from amusing conversation to group sing-alongs to a roll in the hay. The high quality of EPS helps explain the high morale among Navy personnel.
copyright (c) 2010, Don Sakers
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