Umoja: The Early Years

from Umoja: The Early Years by Gwiyato Nemera (2038)
Asmera PubNet, mufaro.asmerapub.umj/history/umoja-general/nemera/UTEY/6.3

Umoja’s first CEO, Kirabo Mukadamu, made his first official visit to the United States in April 2019. Ten years before, he had left Los Angeles as an angry, despised, twice-convicted criminal; now he returned as an international hero welcomed with parades and speeches.

The afternoon of his arrival, before a multitude of shining faces, Kirabo was met by a delegation from the Nation of Islam.

They said to Kirabo, “How can you turn your back on African heritage, and embrace Western cultural ideals, when those very ideals killed and enslaved your ancestors, and have kept their descendants oppressed and subjugated for over four hundred years? When Africa is finally freeing herself of the legacy of Western imperialism, how can you lead her along a path that only leads to more of the same? You are a traitor to your people.”

In his quiet, powerful voice, Kirabo said to them, “You have not lived in Africa. You have not seen how disease, hunger, and despair are more powerful oppressors than Western imperialism ever could be. You have clean, running water, electricity at the touch of a switch, public health…all products of the Western cultural ideals you despise. You take these things for granted. You assume that they are the common property of humankind, no matter what culture first produced them. Africa simply wants to claim her share of the common property.”

They said to Kirabo, “Umoja wants to run Africa like a corporation. You destroy the cultures and the traditions of generations. You replace them with emptiness and deny them their right to exist. Are not all cultures equally valid?”

Kirabo smiled. “That is not the traditional African view.” Onlookers laughed. “Umoja means Unity. Common Unity. Comm-Unity. A new community and a new culture. Africa’s old cultures and traditions have passed away. They died of hunger, poverty, disease, and war. They were murdered by hatred, greed, and indifference, both inside and outside Africa.

“Our new Umoja—our Community—is a new culture born in the death throes of the old. To build our Umoja, we take what is best from all the cultures of humankind. Personal freedom, social responsibility, the equality of all humans, respect for tradition, submission to the will of God.” Kirabo faced the Nation of Islam spokesman with open arms. “Come to Africa, and help us build this new culture, this new community. Help us create new traditions and breathe life back into old ones. All are welcome, all are needed.” Kirabo cocked his head, as if listening to something very far and very faint. “Hear the call. Join the Kurudi, the Return to Africa. You will come as strangers; you will remain as daughters and sons.”

The next day, Kirabo met with the leaders of the Nation of Islam. And later that year, the Nation of Islam began its historic exodus to Africa….

Find out more in Dance for the Ivory Madonna by Don Sakers Digg!


The Santamas Story

(from A Child's Book of Stories by Kinson Tomas, Credix Publishing, TE 306)

Now in those days a decree went forth from the Emperor Augustus, that all the Galaxy should be taxed, and a census taken of all inhabitants. This was the census taken while Quirinius was Duke of Credix. And everyone was on his way to register for the census, each to their own planet and city.

And a man named Josef, along with his spouse Mary, left the planet Nazareth, and went to the city David on the planet Bedlam, to be counted with his own Idara. And Mary was at that time heavy with child.

And in the whole city of David, none of the inns had rooms available. So Josef and Mary went to the zoo, and Mary had her child among the animals. She wrapped him in the animals’ blankets, and laid him in a manger to sleep.

Now in that system there were asteroid miners, keeping watch over their claims. And on their holoscreens appeared a messenger from the Lord Kaal, and they were frightened. But the messenger said, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, for today in the city of David there has been born a Santa, who is the Claus. This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in blankets and laying in a manger.”

So the miners made their way straight to Bedlam, and landed at the spaceport in David, went to the zoo, and saw the baby as he lay in the manger. When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them, and all who heard wondered at the things that were told to them by the miners.

Now after the baby had been born, magi from Borshall arrived on Bedlam, saying, “Where is he who has been born Santa? For we followed his star and have come to bring him gifts.”

When Grinch Herod the Planetary Governor heard this, he was troubled. Gathering together the police, he asked them where the Santa had been born. He called the magi to him and determined from them the exact time that the star had appeared. And he sent them forth on Bedlam and said, “Go and search for the child, and when you have found him, bring him to me, so that I may give him gifts also.” But he was secretly jealous, and meant to harm the child.

After hearing the Grinch they went on their way, and followed the star, which led them to the place where the baby lay. And they presented the baby with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream, the magi left for Borshall without returning to Herod.

Hearing of Herod’s jealousy, Josef and Mary took the boy back to Nazareth, where they lived in peace. They named the boy Kris.

Now, Josef was a carpenter, and as Kris grew, he learned his father’s trade. Soon he started making toys, and giving them to poor children. After many years, as his skill increased, Kris’s fame spread throughout the Province, and beyond.

When Herod heard of Kris, his jealousy became worse. He sent his agents to Nazareth, to hunt down Kris and his family. But some of the animals in the zoo, remembering Kris’ birth, heard of Herod’s plan. Eight of the reindeer broke loose, and flew to Nazareth to warn Kris.

Kris, warned by the reindeer, gathered his family and his toys, and hitched a sleigh to the reindeer. Together, they all flew to a small, frozen planetoid far above the North Pole of the Galaxy. There, Kris set up a toy factory, aided by the alien inhabitants, called Elves. He leaves his home only once each year, on his birthday, when he and the reindeer travel around the Galaxy, bringing gifts to good little girls and boys. The Galaxy over, he is known as Santa Claus; and the day of his birth is celebrated as Santamas.

And as for Grinch Herod, there came a time when he learned the true meaning of Santamas…but that is another story.

Find out more at the Scattered Worlds site Digg!



(The Death, Dertodd's disease, epidemic taatokal)

[From The Taglierre School of Medicine Professional Guide to Diseases, 61st edition, Taglierre University Press, Year MDCCCLXXX of the Imperium, in the reign of the August Imperator Antonia IV.]

Taatokal is an acute infection caused by a highly-contagious prion-based agent. Taatokal is acutely fulminant and highly contagious, and causes acute prostration, respiratory distress, systemic distress, and death -- often within 6 to 8 days after onset.

Without treatment, mortality approaches 100%.

Causes and Incidence

Taatokal is usually transmitted by the direct inhalation of contaminated droplets from a patient in the acute stage; it may also be spread indirectly through soiled linen and other articles contaminated by respiratory secretions or blood.

Taatokal is believed to have emerged from some form of biological weapon, possibly of nonhuman construction, originating in the Laxus sector of the Galaxy about 1850 C.I. It is notorious for the Galaxy-wide epidemic of 1867 C.I., which in some regions killed up to 99% of inhabitants and left whole planets and settlements deserted.

Signs and Symptoms

During an incubation period of 4-6 days, there is a rapid onset of symptoms including an irritating, hacking cough, anorexia, sneezing, listlessness, inflamed conjunctiva, and low-grade fever. The disease rapidly progresses to a second phase which causes fever, chills, profuse sweating, fatigue, backache, enlarged lymph nodes, hepatosplenomeguloma formation in subcutaneous tissues, lymph nodes, the liver, and the spleen. Abscesses may form in the testes, ovaries, kidneys, and brain. In the final phases, patients may exhibit high temperatures (39.5 to 41.5 degrees), chills, myalgia, headache, prostration, disorientation, delirium, toxemia, and staggering gait. Occasionally, taatokal causes abdominal pain, vomiting, and constipation, followed by diarrhea (frequently bloody), skin mottling, petechiae, and circulatory collapse. In this final stage, taatokal causes widespread nonspecific tissue damae -- such as peritoneal or pleural effusions, pericarditis, and meningitis -- and is rapidly fatal unless promptly and correctly treated.


Classical clinical findings, especially during the incubation period, suggest this diagnosis and necessitate immediate treatment. A history of exposure to taatokal victims strongly suggests taatokal infection. Antibody screening of nasopharyngeal smears is a strong indication of the disease. Detection of the prion-based infectious agent, correctly matched with templates in standard diagnostic databases, is a confirming diagnosis.

In the debilitated or otherwise vulnerable patient with clinical evidence of taatokal infection, treatment should begin immediately, without waiting for results of laboratory tests.


Patient care is primarily supportive. Palliative measures include correction of fluid and electrolyte imbalance; pain management; fever reduction; analgesics antipyretics, and sedatives as needed; treatment with zartheit-13 or alpha-beruhigen to lessen neurological impact. Hospice care, including euthanasia options, is desireable.

The only effective treatment for taatokal is [omitted].

Special considerations

  • Patients with taatokal require strict isolation in Level One facility.
  • Follow extreme enteric procedures, including full containment suit when dealing with patients, immediate and sanitary destruction of all contaminated objects and materials, and total body scrub after patient contact.
  • Screen all hospital personnel and visitors for symptoms. Prevent direct contact during epidemics.
  • Report all cases of taatokal to local public health authorities for follow-up, contact tracing, and population-wide prophylactic measures.
  • Obtain a history of patient contacts for a quarantine of 10 days of observation.
  • Maintain adequate respiratory function through proper positioning, humidification, and suctioning, as needed.
  • Provide psychological and emotional support. Encourage patient to express feelings and concerns. Answer questions honestly with tact and sensitivity.
  • Provide emotional support for patient's family.
  • Offer the assistance of a counselor. Help patient and family to deal with the reality of death.

Find out more in The Leaves of October: a novel of the Scattered Worlds by Don Sakers Digg!


African Rebirth

from African Rebirth by Hassan Kerekou (2039)
University of Harare Net, stf3.uharare.edu.zw/Kerekou/AR/intro

Returning Blackamericans brought many things with them, but two of their gifts alone were responsible for most of Africa’s salvation and rebirth.

The first gift that Blackamericans brought was their effete attachment to Western notions of sanitation and public health. Mother Africa horrified them with her casual acceptance of disease and death, her parasites and endemic viruses, her lack of clean-water standards, and above all…her unspeakable toilets.

Imagine a continent whose people are daily robbed of their energy by dysentery, malaria, schistosomiasis, sleeping sickness, AIDS, and a host of other diseases. Imagine a people whose bodies are alive with larvae, worms, fleas, and worse. Imagine malnutrition as a daily companion.

These are the people who managed, in spite of physical degradation that would destroy a lesser folk, to build great Timbuktu and Zimbabwe, Songhai and Goa, Meroë and Jenné. These are the people who conquered a continent, ridden with disadvantages that would make any other people lay down and die.

Now imagine this continent with Western sanitation and medicine. Gengineered viruses to kill off the parasites, water filtration, waste reclamation. Vaccines, antibiotics, bionics, regeneration. Imagine cool, clean water and safe, dependable electricity. Imagine the boundless energy of this people set free, young healthy muscles and minds working together for the betterment of all. Imagine this people possessed of the accumulated knowledge of Humankind, able to avoid the mistakes of earlier cultures. Imagine this knowledge, combined with the virtually-untapped natural resources of Mother Africa and the best technology of the age.

The wonder, my friends, is not how much Africa has accomplished in a few short decades…the wonder is that it took so long.

The second gift Blackamericans brought was more subtle, but just as vital to Africa’s renaissance. This was their matriarchal tradition, sprung from the terrible years of slavery, when Woman was the only link to Family. From the first moment of the Kurudi, the Great Return, Blackwoman came to Africa as the equal partner—some might even say, the superior—of Blackman.

Nowhere was the cultural clash between African and Blackamerican more bitter, than over the place of women in our society. African tradition made her equal to a cow or pig; Blackamerican tradition exalted her as the soul and leader of the family, strong and independent. Blackwoman arrived on African shores confident and capable, and she was not about to take on the subservient role that tribal elders decreed.

In the end, the old ways withered…and well they did! For the job of building Umoja was too great for us to leave out half our strength. The task would take every iota of Man’s determination, every milligram of Woman’s endurance. Every shoulder, every hand, and every brain was needed. United, equal, Man and Woman built together what none could have built alone.
Today, women and men are equal in culture and law across every Umoja client state. Women serve at every level of our society. One of the most revered persons on the continent is a Blackamerican woman who took the name Princess Mahlowi, and who now sits on the throne of the vast Songhay kingdom from which her ancestors were torn half a millennium ago….

Find out more in Dance for the Ivory Madonna by Don Sakers Digg!